Thursday, April 23, 2009

Blackpool and the Big Dipper . . . .

I feel as though I've been on the Big Dipper at Blackpool Pleasure Beach. 

Up in the air - pure terror - great relief at landing.

Have gone from a feeling of sheer misery last night - to a feeling of relief today when I talked to Stephen - he sounded so much better. Energy returned and I did some ironing! 
Little masochist that I am.

Stephen perked up a bit today and his temperature, though still highish, has not reached the dangerously dizzy heights of 42.5ºC which it did yesterday.
His clothes were soaked with sweat and his bedclothes constantly changed. 
I take fresh clothes to him every day, with a spare set - in case.

Took some of his high-powered drinks to the hospital in case he wasn't eating,  plus some chicken soup with noodles -  in a wide-topped flask - of which he drank 250ml during my visit. Gladdened my heart, I can tell you.  
Left some fresh pineapple I bought this morning to refresh his palate after a day of fasting before the heart and bronchoscopy tests.

He had a heart echo something-or-other-test which proved OK but now awaiting results of a bronchoscopy which should reveal all.  The high temperatures and fevers are proving a mystery and don't appear to be linked to his cancer and may or may not be infective endocarditis as a result of an infected Hickman Line imbedded in his chest to receive chemo in January.
Was removed 2 weeks ago.
Let's hope the doctors can determine the cause and let him come home. He is still a poorly bunny, but far better than yesterday and I shall sleep tonight as frankly I am exhausted.

Before I put the kettle on I do want to thank all you folks who have sent me kind thoughts via email - and on the blog, of course.  I have received so many emails that it is difficult to thank you all individually.  Please accept my most grateful thanks here.

Babs xx


jan said...

Babs, sleep Jan xx

Grammy said...

Dear Babs,
You and Stephen are much in my daily thoughts. I am always glad to hear of his good days. Keep resting when you can, so your strength will not wane. May God bless you both.