Tuesday, March 17, 2009

SHOES - and a couple of crocks . . .

Clearing out the shoe cupboard(s) is one job I intend to do today.  Have loads of shoes.  Not a fetish, or completely obsessed by shoes, but I have loved pretty shoes in the past, and tho' I am tall, by some quirk of nature have smallish feet of which I am proud.  
However, now that age is taking it's toll, Comfort has taken over from Style thus the glass slippers and suchlike must GO. It's lace-ups and brogues from now on!

Eyes giving me problems today. Left eye been sore and uncomfortable since having laser treatment on my cataracts 4 weeks ago.  Not quite cross-eyed - but almost.

District nurse who is here to see my Invalid - and flush out Hickman Line inserted in his chest for chemo - says telephone the local hospital and ask for consultant's secretary for an appointment. Apparently we can do this under the new Patients Charter. I didn't know one could do this.  Hmm . .  usually have to wait a couple of months - but I'll give it a whirl. 

Judy Garland & Fred Astaire singing: "We're a couple of swells . . " keeps popping into my head, but it's more like "We're a couple of crocks..."  at this moment in time! Hope things improve.

I planned to do some work on my  lilac sampler quilt this afternoon - but as eyes are playing up will have to wait for another day methinks. A bloomin' nuisance as I have a workshop next week and wanted to have it finished to show the students.

It's S. Patrick's today  - the wearing of the green. My young grandson is named after him.    
Happy St Patrick's Day, Patrick!

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