Sunday, March 15, 2009

Manchester United v Liverpool Diet.

Apart from usual sadness in household due to present circumstances, there was a bit of extra doom and gloom due to poor showing of Manchester United against rival Liverpool yesterday.  

I am not exactly a football fan - prefer lacrosse myself - but one must sympathize with those who act as tho'  life depends on their team winning  - wotever there is to win - if you get my drift.  
My Invalid is no exception.

Son and 3 grandsons play rugby, and there is saying, is there not, which goes something like this: 

"Football is a gentleman's game played by ruffians and rugby is a ruffians game played by gentlemen!"  Summat loike 'aat. Nuff said, as she disappears.

However, I did commiserate, and thought Invalid would excuse my total disinterest in Ryan Gibbs and co,  might even obtain some consolation if I cooked his favourite football tea.  
e.g. Fried ham 'n eggs with tomatoes plus wotever else one can pile on a big plate - sausages, mushrooms, baked beans, chips et al. .
Due to present circumstances it had to be a small portion of  ham 'n egg with a tomato.

Now then, you  may well ask, what am I going to eat that will not pile on the pounds?

I had the same. Grilled ham, poached egg and grilled tomato - that's what I had. Nothing else. No pudding - no pancakes - no crumbs of home-made Almond Cake warmed in the M/W with hot custard. 
Not even a Knicker Bocker Glory which I absolutely adore. I could have killed (you know what I mean - merely an expression of longing) for one of those yesterday. Lush! Lush! Tall glass filled to overflowing with 3 flavours of ice-cream, plus fruit cocktail, strawberries, whipped fresh cream, raspberry cordial and anything else I can cram into the glass. Mustn't forget NUTS!!!!  

Feel faint. Must go and lie down.  'The Mat' beckons.


1 comment:

jan said...

OH KBG's, take me back to my mispent youth. Those were the days!!!!! nuff said you say. I agree. Dont even go there. hahaha