Thursday, January 15, 2009


I'm still suffering from this blinking virus which appears to have attacked half the nation.

Have lost the feeling of malaise but left with a red nose (see pic below) and nasty, painful persistent cough that keeps me awake (at night) in spite of Buttercup Cough Syrup - the Lancashire Cure-All.

I wish to thank JAN publicly for finding the Yahoo translator - which I have pinched - and which now adorns the sidebar on this Blog. Eyes right . . . . . .
It's a brilliant find, Jan.  Ta!

Now all you folks from Moscow to Venezuela who regularly visit Babs Banter can now understand wot I'm talking about!

1 comment:

jan said...

You are welcome Babs, but you see I got it from Elena in Spain, well eventually I did. So I thank her on our behalf.