Friday, March 5, 2010


We thought Stephen was dying when admitted to the hospice a week ago. The family gathered together over the weekend thinking it would be the last time they saw him.
I was distressed in the extreme and howled as I walked into my empty house - thinking 'this is it!'

However, much to everyone's surprise Stephen rallied, and by Wednesday was sitting in an armchair - watching the football match between ENGLAND and EYGPT - reading the newspaper - and making detailed drawings of his cancers between times.
He was, after all, an art teacher before his retirement.
Stephen is still obviously very ill, but the doctors are amazed at his tenacity and strong will to survive!
This may well be a case of 'the last rose of summer' before the fall - as his right foot is still very badly infected and dripping lymphatic fluid - but the fluid on his swollen stomach, legs and fluid-filled scrotum has lessened thanks in main to the wonderful nursing at the hospice and the ministrations of the resident oedema specialist. He is comfortable and not feeling any pain, which is a mercy as he was carried to the ambulance screaming in agony whenever anything touched him.


Jo Hopwood said...

I am so pleased than he is doing so well Babs, I hope it continues x Jo

Unknown said...

A wonderful miracle indeed Babs, giving you both more of that, oh so precious commodity, "time".

Take care, Cath

Alsagergirl said...

Hi Nana, glad he's got some comfort now. Hope your managing tog et some welll deserved rest x Rachel