Wednesday, July 9, 2008


A substantial reward is offered for capture of missing UFO - last seen under bed . . . .

I seek it here - I seek it there - this UFO is everywhere!

This UFO is taking over . . . .

Is it a Sputnik?

Is it from Mars?

Aliens have landed . . .

An Alien has violated my space.

Restricted 'FULL ENGLISH' for dieters . . . .

For those who live on shores others than UK - the aforementioned is known as a 'RESTRICTED FULL ENGLISH' - bloomin' delicious, especially if served with mushrooms and fried bread when it becomes a FULL ENGLISH - my own particular wont.

Now, I have to ask y'all . . . . have I reached rock bottom?

Reaching rock bottom . . .


That, m'dears, was a something that can only be described as a Healthy Summer Vegetable Roast.

DIET - on a slippy slope . . . .

BREAD OF LIFE . . . for lurgy. . . .

Home-made wholewheat bread - will post recipe for Babs Best Bread f you so wish. Hard to resist when LURGY strikes.

No bread or booze - says she . . . .

It began well . . .

Diet began well - healthy salads . . . .


Have you missed me?

To the hordes (3) who made contact to say how they missed my ramblings - here I am, raised from sick bed and convalescence in Edinburgh.

Have lost train of thought . . . . apart from mystery of whistle which will have to wait . . . . .