Yes, aiming not only for a new Blog display - but attempting to create a new me - new moi - new image.
How do I achieve this you may ask?
Well, the first is easy. Just click onto Blog Layout and there you have templates galore.
I chose the green one - representing the green stuff in my life and all the green stuff I intend to eat as part of my new image.
I'll have to be careful with the cabbage - for reasons best known to myself (and possibly a few others).
It is gratifying to see the hordes of followers to my site. THREE!
You lucky people - on the receiving end of my daily words of wisdom and information.
However, on second thoughts, can think of other sites that provide more information and more titillation.
(I think that's how it's spelt - been a long time!!)
Click on the names of my trusty Followers (they deserve a capital F) and you will arrive in Blog Heaven.
Pics this evening.
A Reminder
3 days ago
Dear Babs,
I am reading your blog and enjoying it. I will be reading it as the days go by. What is the weather like in UK right now?
We have been having sunny weather in the mid - 80's here in East Tennessee, USA. I think it is supposed to get cooler though, over the next couple of days, with rain. It will probably take a lot of the colorful leaves off the trees when it does.
Greetings to you,
Hi Ruby,
You lucky people in Tennessee. The weather here is atrocious. Grey skies, cold and dull, dull, dull.
It does get you down after a while and as soon as there's a bit of sunshine the Brits run outside and jump about like mad people!! That's how the sun affects us.
Who was it that said, "Mad dogs and Englishmen, lie out in the mid-day sun?" He was right.
I'm still working on the Autumn.Winter versions of the Singing Garden Quilt - but all that sitting takes its toll. Supposed to be going to pilates class tomorrow- but think I'll give it a miss for once. Might be the combination of sitting plus pilates that has affected my back. Bloomin' nuisance this ageing lark, eh?
Tea-time calls. Talk later.
Dear Babs,
Yes, I have heard that quote and have oftimes quoted it about Mad Dogs and Englishmen, when I have seen someone out in the hot summertime in midday. I think I would avoid the pilates as well. I much prefer my exercise to be done more gently. More later,
Hi Babs,
well if you are on the greens, watch out for the killer sprouts, hahaha.
You do make me laugh Babs, what a tonic you are, I'm thrilled to be a Follower, I am sure you will get lots more. Your Blog is such fun.
lol jan
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