A whistle has many uses, wet when you're thirsty, blow it to call or tell 'em time's up. In days of old when men were bold and radios not invented rozzers used 'em to call for 'elp. Uses many, p'raps some not yet invented so enjoy yourself and blow till you're 'earts contented.
Am primitive cook.
Enjoy quilting/appliqué but seeking to break out of my comfort zone - starting with feathers aka Patsy Thompson..
Like gardening, studying birds, drawing.
Relaxing and pottering about are high on my agenda.
Love music, play the ukulele and sing my heart out with local choirs.
1 comment:
A whistle has many uses, wet when you're thirsty, blow it to call or tell 'em time's up. In days of old when men were bold and radios not invented rozzers used 'em to call for 'elp. Uses many, p'raps some not yet invented so enjoy yourself and blow till you're 'earts contented.
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