Finished quilting this Lone Star a week or two ago but forgot to show it. Now on the bed in my guest room. Fits in well with the old Laura Ashley "Winter Lily" curtains don't you think?
Mainly loose meandering quilting to fill in the empty spaces, but close vermicelli quilting in the diamonds.
Have yet another UFO - blue Lone Star - which I'm finishing off - all the large diamonds are pieced and corner squares cut and ready to insert. I'm working on this Lone Star in between layering 2 quilt tops and FMQ my 1930's quilt. It's good to have a change of activity.
Saves RSS - repetitive strain syndrome.
Have enough UFO's to keep me going for at least 12 months.
Not worried or overwhelmed - the weather being as it is - cool and wet - am enjoying the work and honing my FMQ skills in the process.
A Reminder
2 hours ago